The high performance UWP datagrid displays tabular and hierarchical data and supports sorting, grouping, filtering, dragging and dropping rows, etc. The Vue stock financial/market charts library has support to track and visualize stock price over a specific period using charting and range tools. Syncfusion theme studio allows you to build a new theme based on existing themes or customized themes for Syncfusion jQuery widget libraries. The WPF pivot grid (aka pivot table) is used to visualize relational data sources in a multi-dimensional UI. It supports editing, on-demand loading, etc. The WPF multi column drop-down (aka multi column combobox) control displays multiple columns in a drop-down by embedding the datagrid control
Our benchmark application allows to select and run single test or run all tests one-by-one. You can select how many times to run the same test, so that to get average value in results.
The Xamarin.Forms Badge View control notifies users of new or unread messages, notifications, or the status of something. The UWP linear gauge control helps to visualize numerical values on a linear scale. It supports scales, pointers, ranges, annotations, etc. The high performance UWP datagrid displays tabular and hierarchical data and supports sorting, grouping, filtering, dragging and dropping rows, etc. The Vue stock financial/market charts library has support to track and visualize stock price over a specific period using charting and range tools. Syncfusion theme studio allows you to build a new theme based on existing themes or customized themes for Syncfusion jQuery widget libraries. The WPF pivot grid (aka pivot table) is used to visualize relational data sources in a multi-dimensional UI. It supports editing, on-demand loading, etc. The WPF multi column drop-down (aka multi column combobox) control displays multiple columns in a drop-down by embedding the datagrid control
The WPF Radial (circular) Slider is a slider control; it provides an intuitive touch interface for selecting a numeric value on a circular display.
The WPF pivot grid (aka pivot table) is used to visualize relational data sources in a multi-dimensional UI. It supports editing, on-demand loading, etc. The WPF multi column drop-down (aka multi column combobox) control displays multiple columns in a drop-down by embedding the datagrid control Convert HTML to PDF in ASP.NET Core in Just 5 Minutes - YouTube Apr 8, 2019 · In just 5 minutes, learn how to integrate the Syncfusion HTML-to-PDF converter in an ASP.NET Duration: 5:07 Posted: Apr 8, 2019 NET | Syncfusion The Syncfusion HTML to PDF converter is a . NET library for converting web pages, SVG, Mhtml and HTML files to PDF using C#. It uses popular rendering
WinForms ToolBar control (XPToolbar) is a Microsoft Visual Studio-inspired toolbar control that can be used to load shortcut options (commands).
The UWP Gantt chart control provides a Microsoft Project-like interface for scheduling and managing tasks in projects. WPF Diagram Control is used to create & edit flowcharts, organizational charts, UML, swim lanes, mind maps, entity relationships or any kind of diagram quickly. The WPF Docking control/DockPanel provides an interface to create Visual Studio-like dockable windows and provides floating panels, autohide & tabbed documents. The WPF TreeView control displays hierarchical data with rich features, such as binding, load-on-demand, editing, checkbox selection, and drag-and-drop. The WinForms Docking Manager provides an interface to create Visual Studio-style dock windows. It supports floating and dock panels, plus pin and tabbed groups. The Xamarin.Android charts library can plot more than 30 market-standard chart types. It supports smooth zooming, panning and scrolling interactions.
The Xamarin.Forms ListView control displays items in horizontal or vertical orientation. Supports template, grouping, sorting, filtering, swiping, scrolling etc Essential JS 1 is a collection of over 75 enterprise-grade HTML5 jQuery based JavaScript controls for building modern web applications The Xamarin.iOS datagrid control displays data in a tabular format with built-in support for editing, sorting, grouping, Excel export, and more.
The UWP Radial Gauge control (a.k.a. circular gauge) helps to visualize numerical values on a circular scale. It supports pointers ranges, annotations, etc.
5 Jul 2018 This article explains the topic, How to customize the PDF document name while downloading the document from PDF viewer. This section explains how to create the PDF viewer in your web application The available API methods in the controller are Load, FileUpload, Download, and Learn here about getting started with Syncfusion UWP Pdf Viewer (SfPdfViewer) control and more details.